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Yandere Simulator

Release: 2017
Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a young man and secretly eliminating anyone who seems interested in him, while maintaining the image of an innocent student.
The gameplay is similar to the Hitman series; you are put into a large environment filled with many NPCs, and you must track down a specific target and eliminate them. You can use stealth to kill your target without any witnesses, stage an accident that leaves no evidence, or just slaughter anyone who gets in your way. If you don't dispose of corpses, clean up blood, and destroy evidence, then the police might be able to link you to a murder and arrest you.
If you don't want to get any blood on your hands, you can use social sabotage to get rid of a girl; frame her for one of your crimes, get her expelled from school, or ruin her reputation. If you truly want her to suffer, convince every other girl in school to bully her until she commits suicide and saves you the trouble.
If the boy you love witnesses you committing murder, he could never love you, and the game would be over.

Here is a short list of some of the features you can look forward to:

• Persistent Reputation: When you are spotted doing something incriminating, students will gossip about you. When your reputation is low, students will be cautious around you, and will consider you to be suspicious. When your reputation is high, students will let their guard down around you, and will be willing to do favors for you.
• Sanity Level: When you perform an act of violence, you will lose Sanity. This will cause you to appear visibly insane. If you lose too much Sanity, people will be able to tell that you are insane just by looking at you. If the boy you love sees you like this, he could never love you, and the game would be over.
• Sanity-Determined Kill Animations: The killing animations will be determined by your current level of Sanity. When your Sanity is high, your kills will be efficient, quick, and silent. When your Sanity is low, your kills will be sloppy, messy, and noisy. When you have lost all Sanity, your kills will be long, brutal, and sadistic.
• Yandere Vision: A button on the keyboard / controller will be dedicated entirely "Yandere" actions, such as creepy laughter. When Yandere Vision is active, important characters and objects will be highlighted and visible through walls.
• Panty Shots: A certain character will perform important favors for you if you send them photographs of girls' panties. Panty shots are a "currency" that can buy favors and give you various advantages.
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