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Street Sweeper

Release: 2020
As Street Sweeper, your job is to clean up each randomly generated neighborhood before your impossibly short shift is over, in the brief window of time when the rest of the city is asleep. Dead leaves from trees removed long ago. Garbage, so carelessly piled. Even vomit, as big as an oil slick. The Street Sweeper takes it, and is careful not to wreck any city property in the process. The bosses back at the station measure the yield at the end of each run, then send the Cleaner of Streets back into the next job.

This game is powered by Unity 3D, with assets developed mainly in Blender, and with help from other free programs like Audacity, and Paint dot NET.

All content is a creation of Blue Bananas Productions (BBP).

If you have a PS4 controller: plug that bad boy in! Other controllers might work as well if the Inputs are the same. Keyboard (WASD) and Mouse compatible.
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