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Release: 2019
Riftwalker is a rogue-like tower defense in a world consumed by darkness, featuring rich backstory and endless, detailed procedural levels. You play the role of a riftwalker in a scouting party sent to investigate a nearby missing star, but find more than you were expecting - a civilization, or rather, what's left of it. It's your job to find out what happened and make sure the threat never spreads to your world.


Tower Defense like you've never seen before! Riftwalker takes the ambitious aim to redefine the genre.

Rich procedural maps that develop as you progress through the game.
A deep backstory that begs to be pieced together, delivered in bite-sized fragments.*
Stunning visuals, that break free of the traditional mold surrounding tower defense games.
Full 3D camera control, get close to the action with full 3D camera controls, allowing you to really be a part of the action.
A large upgrade tree that you build as you play the game, allowing your towers to follow your playstyle.*
Incredible music track that really helps immerse the player in the world of Riftwalker.
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