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Psy High

Release: 2014
"Psy High" is an interactive teen supernatural mystery novel by Rebecca Slitt, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Play as male or female; gay, straight, or bi. Will you be a jock or a brain? Popular or ignored? Use your psychic powers to help others, or to take what you want. Win a coveted scholarship, star in the Drama Club play - or lose it all and spend your senior year in juvenile detention. How much are you willing to sacrifice to get ahead in the world?

Can you solve the case? Can you save the school? And most importantly, can you find a date to the prom?

- Solve mysteries in the classic teen-detective genre with a supernatural twist
- Find your place in the cutthroat high-school social scene: be an athlete, an actor, a brain, or a rebel
- Uncover the truth about your small town and its secrets
- Instead of stopping the principal, why not steal his powers for yourself, or even join him in his plan for world domination?
- Find your one true love, or more than one! (They never talked about love triangles in trigonometry!)
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