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Philophobia: The Fear of Love

Release: 2020
About Philophobia

The only thing worse than losing your life for having it hunt you down. In this fast-paced action platformer, navigate the bowels of Hell and escape the torment of love. Because it WANTS you to suffer.


Experience the story of Stuart and his horrifying encounter with heartbreak.
Work your way through 5 stages of grief being hunted by 25+ demons of misery.
Endure 100+ levels of torture designed around real world emotions.
Fight the 4 demons of grief and overcome your heartbreak for good!
Escape the 6 realms of misery and help all of the lost souls you find along the way.
Make your broken heart whole again.


Philophobia is an action platformer based on the 5 stages of grief, where love is literal Hell, and the entire game world is made entirely out of hearts. The game is designed to be fast and engaging, but to also help people deal with grief, trauma, and dark emotions. Forced to deal with the trauma and pain of a relationship fallen apart, Philophobia developer Tim Ruswick took to what he knew best: games. He poured his heart, soul, pain and 5 years of his life into a passion project that would later become Philophobia: The Fear of Love. He hopes that his experience and creation can help others deal with grief like it helped him.
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