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Martial Law

Release: 2015
Right now, it's the framework of a single and multi-player survival game. I emphasize the word "framework". As of now, it has the basic functions and mechanics developed over months upon months by a one-man development team. It is *not*, I repeat *NOT* a complete game. If what you want is a complete game, DON'T buy it.
What you are doing by purchasing is supporting an indie developer who has built a mechanical framework and core that will be continually expanded upon in constant cooperation with the community. What you are doing by purchasing is guaranteeing that Prophet can continue to work full time (actually, significantly more than "full time") on the development. What you are doing is funding the continued expansion of the game, whether that means actual additional paid staff or new equipment to build and test the game, or just keeping Prophet from having to split his time between multiple jobs.
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