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Release: 2021
“ISLAND MIRRORGE” is a dark fantasy content which takes place in the tunnels of Sado Gold Mine, a historical heritage site in Japan, and is a VR version of the MR content which can be experienced at the site of Sado Gold Mine.

You will be guided by Auru, a gold spirit, on a trolley through the Doyu Tunnel of the Sado Gold Mine, which is recreated in CG.
What is the mysterious experience that occurs in this fantastic space...

*Only the first half is currently available, and the full version will be released in April.


A beautiful island surrounded by deep indigo sea and covered with greenery on all sides.
It has long been said that a gold spirit that manipulates minerals lives here.

In the middle of the island is a towering mine from ancient times.
Magical energy overflows from Warito (crack on the summit) on the mountain top and created a source of minerals in the mines.

In the twilight hours,
the source would expand and create a magical path connecting the island and another world

There was a legend on the island.
“In another world, there live monsters that devour minerals, and they want the mines”
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