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Horror Legends

Release: 2018
Welcome to the world of Horror Legends…
In this 3 verses 1 online multiplayer nightmare, you can take control of a supernatural Legend and hunt down your friends.

Join the Cast
Scavenge, in first-person, for items and try to survive the night against the Legend’s endless pursuit. If you are feeling brave (or stupid) you can attempt to kill the Legend. However, not all Legends are easily killed...

Become the Legend
You are the hunter. With both a third-person and first-person perspective you can utilize the unknown to your advantage. Certain rules of the Encounter are determined by which Legend you pick. Each Legend will play differently; some Legends can be gunned down while others will keep coming back until certain conditions are met. Some will kill, some will capture, and some will turn their prey into their minions.

The Lore
Dive deeper into the lore of Horror Legends by earning experience points while playing the game. Every time you level up you unlock a comic book page that can be read in the game's main menu. Play the Game, Read the Story!

Don’t assume anything : There are many different versions of each map and they are picked randomly every time you play. Never assume items, and dead ends are in the same place.
Who’s your favorite: With every character comes unique stats and items that can help you survive your first encounter, so choose wisely.
Progressing the Story: Unlock comic book pages and read about the game's lore.
The Future: The foundation is set and there is a lot to look forward to in the near future. Throughout Horror Legend’s life on early access there will be frequent updates that add more Characters, Maps, Items, and Comic pages!
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