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Ghostly Horizon

Release: 2018
Ghostly Horizon is an intense 3rd-person spell-caster on spherical worlds. In a cute low-poly environment you enjoy crazy battles with 30+ different spells, preferably together with your friends.

Focus is placed on both player-skill and teamwork in this matchbased game with quick rounds.
There is no story to follow and the aim of the game is to have fun and become a better player to be able to defeat the different game modes in a harder difficulty!
And to top the Leaderboards of course!

Ghostly Horizon provides intense and thrilling battles with a focus on player-skill and cooperation.Combat feels dangerous and your winning streak can quickly go down the toilet.
​So get ready for some awesome battles and clutch saves in this fun and crazy matchbased game.

2 Main Game-Modes: Invasion and Survival that can be played in both Singleplayer and in Co-op with up to 10 players!

3 Minor Game-Modes: Battle Royale, Conquest and Training Arena where you play either Free-For-All or Teambased PvP.
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