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Release: 2018
Fantasization is a team-based roleplaying game with turn-based tactical combat, deep RPG mechanics and an evolving procedurally generated world with warring factions. Your party of four heroes belongs to a secret order protecting the largest known collection of the mysterious substance called the Aether. The Aether used to be a pure and benevolent element used by the greatest mages and the dwarven smiths alike. Recently, however, the Aether has started to become dark and malevolent and your party will need to find allies to stop this corruption before the growing darkness engulfs the world.


Character customization: We have created a system that enables hundreds of very different ways to create powerful characters for your party. We also provide premade character templates for players who wish to focus on other aspects of the game first.

Challenge: The game teaches you to take full advantage of your team members. It is up to you to learn and adapt. Your tactics and ability to pick the right tools for the job have to improve along the way in order to survive the higher level content.
Story: Most of the story will be told by the interactions between the factions and the player.

Think Civilization. We don’t know how your story will play out. What are the factions going to request from you? How will they fare against the forces of corruption or against each other? Which factions will rise and which ones will fall?

Evolving world: The various factions of the world will have different (sometimes even hidden)
agendas that guide their actions. They will claim new land and resources, attack their enemies and assist their allies. All the while the corruption of the Aether is spreading throughout the world and warping and defiling anything it touches.
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