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European War 6: 1804

Release: 2018
After the end of the American War of Independence, the French Revolution
broke out in Europe in 1789. The world is about to change!
Napoleon, Duke of Wellington, Nelson, Blucher, Kutuzov, Washington, Davout
and other military geniuses will become protagonists in changing this world.


- Cloud archives support users to change their devices without losing archives
- Using a new engine to improve the game graphics
- 160 portraits of generals were redrawn and introductions were added
- 90 historical battles in 45 countries, including the Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Austerlitz, etc.
- More than 200 units from different countries and various styles of buildings
- 39 technology and more than 120 items
- Support Wi-Fi Battle
- Conquest mode supports ranking on Game Center and Google Play Games
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