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Release: 2015
The player chooses a character out of three possible classes (warrior, sorceress, or marksman) which determine the action aspect of the game, and progresses through levels fighting off hordes of enemies. Each map features a number of pre-set routes for enemies that come in waves, and slots for building various trap types. Those are built and upgraded using the mystical currency "essence" with predetermined amount at the start of each level. Essence can be gained during the level by killing enemies and completing waves, and spent to build new traps or upgrade existing ones. The player wins if they kill all the enemies in a level and loses if a certain number of enemies manage to reach the base portal. Trap actions that damage and kill enemies are augmented by the player's attacks where the character can move across the map freely, whereas traps are stationary.Role-playing elements come into play between levels where the player can upgrade their character on the basis of experience points received, and buy or craft equipment to provide a boost in abilities (either action- or trap-building related). Some trap types and trap upgrades must also be unlocked separately.
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