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Release: 2018

Set in the near future, DEATHGARDEN™ revolves around a spectacular real blood sport that became the most popular entertainment on the planet. Players choose to team up as one of the five agile Runners or to embody the Hunter, a heavily armed competitor whose mission is to kill the Runners, preventing them from escaping The Garden.

Deathgarden pits individual cunning against strategy and teamwork–a lone but lethal Hunter against a team of dextrous Runners. Both sides must prove their skills and take control of the procedurally-generated Garden.

Asymmetric Confrontation
Power vs Agility: In this fast-paced action title, one powerful Hunter must hunt down five agile Runners, who seek to complete an objective and escape the Garden.
The Garden

A Procedurally Generated Garden: Each map is procedurally generated within the ‘Garden’, a nano-printed environment in which Runners willingly enter to compete against the powerful Hunter. Each match boasts a different ‘Garden’ layout, which forces both sides to adapt their strategy to the environment and creates exhilarating, memorable moments.
Long Term Support

Gameplay First: Deathgarden embraces the “no grind” or “no pay to win” philosophy. New gameplay content (Gardens, Weapons, Abilities & Perks, etc.) will be instantly available to all players upon the content’s release.
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