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Coin Commander

Release: 2020
The enemy is invading and resources are limited. They look to you, their newly elected war commander, to use your limited funds to pay for mercenaries to protect against the oncoming hordes of enemies. You will be outnumbered, but with better tactics, you will prevail.

Master the levels well enough and you can become the king of this war torn land.

Deterministic Tactical Combat
Use the units at your disposal to dispatch enemy detachments. Coin Commander is a deterministic game where all units, friendly or foe, operate on the same rules. Your enemy has access to the same units you have. When two units collide, they both die, Regardless of their allegiance. There is friendly fire.

Expand Your Roster
Earn stars for completing levels with efficiency. Use those stars to unlock additional units that can help you in future battles, or help you receive a better rating in a previous battle. From archers that can kill from a distance to barbarians that swing around wildly, choose which units best fit your commanding style.

A Puzzle Game With Options
This is a puzzle game where you always have multiple options. Spend your coins inefficiently to brute force yourself through a level, go down a different path to attempt different challenges, or revisit an old level to improve your rating. Each path will teach you new concepts of how to use your units. And with more stars, you’ll unlock more units, increasing the number of ways you can solve each level.


7 units
40 Levels
End Game Bonus Levels
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