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Attrition: Tactical Fronts

Release: 2017
Attrition: Tactical Fronts is a quick play strategy game for 1-2 players. Games can take as little as 5 minutes but offer lots of strategic variation and depth.


Attrition is currently in Open Beta. Most of the game is already complete: the core game is playable in both single and multiplayer, the map editor is fully functional and a 12 mission single player campaign + tutorial is implemented. As we make the finishing touches to the game we want feedback on the design and balance, and to guide the game in player-desired directions. Grab Attrition now and have your say!


Hex-based, turn-based gameplay, like a digital board game
Single-player campaign to learn unit and terrain types and combinations, overcome challenging scenarios and attain mechanical mastery
AI skirmishes on infinite randomly generated maps and developer or player-created custom maps
1v1 online multiplayer, with stat tracking and player progression
In-game map editor to create your own challenges and share maps with friends
12 unit types and 10 terrain types, across dozens of pre-built maps and infinite procedural ones, provide varying tactical engagements
Point-buy army requisition, pick your own preferred unit composition, or try to outplay your opponent's picks
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