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123 Slaughter Me Street 2

Release: 2016
The player must survive a house without being attacked by of any of the puppets that wander around the house, with expecting deadly game of hide and seek. Unlike in the first game, now the player can roam freely around, crouch, and sprint. On the upper screen, there's a phase that represents each level. Pre-game phase is a good time to the player to explore the house and build a good strategy. The player has a flashlight to illuminate the darkened spots and an odd blue light or green light will appear on a spot when the flashlight is on. The blue light is a hiding spot and the green light is a safe spot and the player cannot use the hiding spot or safe spot until pre-game is over. Once pre-game ends, the phase will change to hide. The eye icon on the lower right side of the screen will be an open white eye when the player is out in the open, it will close when the player is in a hiding spot or a safe spot, and it will turn red when a puppet sees the player, which means that the player must quickly hide.
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